Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Biblical Communicationquotes

The selfishness of the grandchildren. Reviewed

After see The Hurt Locker , I reflected on the various war movies I've seen: on how to draw the soldiers. The result of these thoughts is the next op-ed:

Captain John H. Miller landed on Omaha Beach , along with his squad, June 6, 1944. In the film Spielberg of this character, played by Tom Hanks - becomes a hero to save Private Ryan war. The scenes of this title presented to the viewer's mind the pain, the blood that stained up to the camera. For me it was enough to see the movie to disabuse the beauty of the fight, the military honor and military parades. But the army remains an elegant institution in the United States, and those guys who, like me, saw in 1998 how the bullets whistle on the battlefield, still serves Iraq and Afghanistan .

Hollywood has war stories to generations of the twentieth century. And the country has generations of freedom for all their wars. In these hundred years, the fictional Captain Miller grandfather participated in the First World War , his son John Junior-fought in Vietnam , and grandson, in any of the operations in the Persian Gulf. The drug war is a need in the United States, the people need their heroes small doses. And movies, of those stories: a perfect relationship.

Still, the conflicts of the twentieth century have produced different soldiers, recruits from the two world wars were greeted with beautiful girls kissing in New York, those of Vietnam, with distubios on the streets of Chicago. In the case of modern wars, the Middle East bleeding, the army is made up of professional soldiers and volunteers. They are part of the analysis Kathryn Bigelow makes the current hero in his film The Hurt Locker, especially of sappers who deactivate mines in the streets of Baghdad. They are presented as superior individuals who have chosen vocation a job with one foot in heaven and one on earth. Human half robot and disguised with a diving, the soldiers did not suffer as Captain Miller in France snowfall. And in his spare time, continue to enjoy the war on television, video games Shoot 'em up (kill all you can). As the filmmaker says: "His courage and boldness are part of a selfish need rather than pure altruism."

The war in America is a vital experience, the next generation is going to complain about selfishness, to resemble their parents and grandparents.

Flickr Photo 1: MATEUS_27: 24 & 25
Flickr Photo 2: dgphill

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ms Saga Infanite Ecaps (l)

What is not

Today in class, they put a piece of The Seventh Seal, Bergman's . In the first scene -the beginning of the film, appeared a bird hanging in the air. The general has been mocked, we all seemed too obvious that coconut was a thread that held the animal.

Not so, the plane is real. Like the gulls in the harbor, the animal is suspended, enjoying the air.

digital effects have made us more cautious audience, doubt that the construction plans, and actually trying to convey. Of course, to see who is smarter than I could imagine that many foreign movies are green or blue (chroma ):

With this video-and other-channel Stargate Studios company shows potential customers what you can do, and how they work. It is highly recommended to shop around for your web , and be surprised with what the viewer is rarely seen.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

D With Trailer Licence Ontario With Trailer

The perpetrators of this

Today, Sunday, March 21, 2010, in Cinemascope35 unveil the faces behind the blog. And, with this symbolic gesture, I also want to apologize for having this page a little abandoned.

So, from now on, we return to the continuity in the publication. And if you want, you can discuss about our twinship.

Photo: Ana P. Forest