Monday, May 31, 2010

Opi Axxium Soak Off Gel Poster Display

Wanted director for "The Hobbit"

Picking what the blog says very original version of El País, Mexico's Guillermo del Toro has left the direction of the film The Hobbit that produces the ideologue of the saga of "The Lord of the Rings "Peter Jackson and intended to release in two parts, but is intended as a single film roll.

Guillermo del Toro
farewell with a letter thanked his team, Peter Jackson and all the people of New Zealand for their support during the project creation and recognizes, with much regret, you have to abandon two years of work trying to recreate the world of Tolkien. But is not even a goodbye forever but because Del Toro will remain with Jackson on the project, but in other tasks that were not disclosed.

While seeking a new director who wants to take on this enormous project, very original version speaks of economic problems in the production Metro Golden Meyers as a possible cause for the delay of the shooting and the discomfort of Del Toro .

The photo is from Flickr James Everett.
News in very original version, El País.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Song In The Hp Commercial

Integrating a bar graph in a

may sometimes be useful to display a list of data (in a DataGridView) with a graphic display of percentage in each line of the list. For example, imagine we have a list of files and want to show graphically the rate of implementation of each of them. This is one of the best ways.

This article will explain how to get progress bars put those greenhouse "glass" and the color you want in a column in a DataGridView.

The code also allows signal, such as a target in order to compare the real value to this goal. See this example: it is marked with green diffuser to achieve the objective. The lines that exceed what are green and those that do not come in red.

All this is achieved using a single method that, being properly informed of what we do all the work for us.

This method must be called from the event CellPainting the DataGridView. Here's the code of the method in all its forms to be called ( polymorphism ): Public Class Bar

''' Paint the background of a cell with color gradient.
'''\u0026lt;/ summary>
'''\u0026lt;param name="oColor"> Color to aplica. \u0026lt;/ Param>
''' \u0026lt;param name="e"> paramètres CellPainting the event \u0026lt;/ param>
'''\u0026lt; ; remarks> \u0026lt;/ remarks> Public Shared Sub
PintaDegradado (ByVal oColor As Drawing.Color, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs)
Main.PintaDegradado (oColor, and, -1) End Sub

'''Pinta de bar en progreso de un control DataGridView CELDA a
''' \u0026lt;/ summary>
'''\u0026lt;param Name="oColor"> Color to use for the bar. \u0026lt;/ Param>
''' \u0026lt;param name="e"> CellPainting event parameters. \u0026lt;/ Param>
'''\u0026lt;param name="iPorcentaje"> Rate to represent. \u0026lt;/ param>
''' \u0026lt;remarks> \u0026lt;/ remarks> Public Shared Sub
PintaDegradado (ByVal oColor As Drawing.Color, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs, ByVal iPorcentaje As Integer) As Drawing.Color
generously padded Dim () = {}
oColor Apor Dim As Integer () = {} iPorcentaje If

iPorcentaje = -1 Then Dim aPorN As Integer () = {}
Main.PintaDegradado (acholic, e, aPorN)

Main.PintaDegradado Else (acholic, e, Apor)
End If End Sub

\u0026lt;summary>'''''Paint a progress bar target signaling in a cell of a DataGridView control.
'''\u0026lt;/ summary>
''' \u0026lt;param name="oColor"> Color to use for the bar. \u0026lt;/ Param>
'''\u0026lt;param name="e"> Parameters CellPainting event. \u0026lt;/ param>
'''\u0026lt;param name="iPorcentaje"> Rate to represent. \u0026lt;/ Param>
''' \u0026lt;param name="iObjetivo"> \u200b\u200bGoal to score. \u0026lt;/ Param>
''' name="oColorObjetivo"> \u200b\u200b\u0026lt;param Color to use for the purpose. \u0026lt;/ param>
'''\u0026lt;remarks> \u0026lt;/ remarks> Public Shared Sub
PintaDegradado (ByVal oColor As Drawing.Color, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs, ByVal iPorcentaje As Integer, ByVal ïLens As Integer, ByVal oColorObjetivo As Drawing.Color)
generously padded Dim As Drawing.Color () = {OColor, oColorObjetivo}
Apor Dim As Integer () = {iPorcentaje, ïLens}
Main.PintaDegradado (acholic, e, Apor)

End Sub'''\u0026lt;summary>
''' Paint a bar Gradient background color of a cell in a grid.
'''\u0026lt;/ summary>
''' \u0026lt;param name="aColores"> array of colors to use. \u0026lt;/ Param>
'''\u0026lt;param name="e"> Parameters CellPainting event \u0026lt;/ param>
'''Matrix name="aPorcentajes"> \u0026lt;param the percentages to display. May be one or two. The first indicates
'''the percentage of the progress bar to show. The second goal to score. You indicate only one and zero,
'''will cover the entire bottom of the cell with the first color specified. \u0026lt;/ Param>
''' \u0026lt;remarks> \u0026lt;/ remarks> Private Shared Sub
PintaDegradado (ByVal aColores As Drawing.Color (), ByVal e As DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs, ByVal aPorcentajes As Integer ()) Dim
As Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = Nothing Dim As oPin2 Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = Nothing Dim view As Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush
= Nothing
Dim oColor As Drawing.Color = aColores(0)
Dim oCelda As New Rectangle(e.CellBounds.X - 1, e.CellBounds.Y - 1, e.CellBounds.Width, e.CellBounds.Height)
For iC As Integer = 0 To aPorcentajes.Length - 1
If aPorcentajes(iC) > 100 Then aPorcentajes(iC) = 100
Dim oRect1 As Rectangle
Dim oRect2 As Rectangle
Dim oObj As Rectangle
Dim oFond As Rectangle
Dim oCuad As Rectangle = Nothing
Dim iPorcentaje As Integer = 0
Dim bPor As Boolean = False
If aPorcentajes.Length > 0 Then
bPor = True
iPorcentaje = aPorcentajes(0)
If iPorcentaje > 0 Then
oRect1 = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 4, oCelda.Y + 4, Math.Round(((oCelda.Width - 7) * iPorcentaje * 0.01) + 0.49), Math.Round((oCelda.Height - 8) / 2))
If oRect1.Width > oCelda.Width - 7 Then oRect1.Width = oCelda.Width - 7
oRect2 = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 4, oRect1.Bottom - 1, oRect1.Width, (oCelda.Height - 6) - oRect1.Height)
oFond = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 4, oCelda.Y + 4, oCelda.Width - 7, oCelda.Height - 7)
oPin1 = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(oRect1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(180, oColor), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
oPin2 = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(oRect2, oColor, Color.FromArgb(70, oColor), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
End If
If aPorcentajes.Length > 1 Then
Dim iObj As Integer = aPorcentajes(1)
Dim iPos As Integer = oCelda.X + 4 + Math.Round(((oCelda.Width - 7) * iObj * 0.01) + 0.49)
Dim iIni As Integer = iPos - 20
If iIni < oCelda.X + 4 Then iIni = oCelda.X + 4
oObj = New Rectangle(iIni, oCelda.Y + 2, iPos - iIni, oCelda.Height - 4)
oPinO = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(oObj, Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, aColores(1)), aColores(1), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
End If
oCuad = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 3, oCelda.Y + 3, oCelda.Width - 6, oCelda.Height - 6)
oRect1 = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 1, oCelda.Y + 1, oCelda.Width - 1, Math.Round(oCelda.Height / 2))
oRect2 = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 1, oRect1.Bottom - 1, oCelda.Width - 1, oCelda.Height - oRect1.Height)
oFond = New Rectangle(oCelda.X + 1, oCelda.Y + 1, oCelda.Width - 1, oCelda.Height)
oPin1 = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(oRect1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(180, oColor), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
oPin2 = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(oRect2, oColor, Color.FromArgb(70, oColor), Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
End If
If bPor Then
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.DimGray, oCuad)
End If
If oPin1 IsNot Nothing Then
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, oFond)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oPin1, oRect1)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oPin2, oRect2)
End If
If oPinO IsNot Nothing Then
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oPinO, oObj)
End If
e.Paint(oCelda, DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
e.Handled = True
Catch ex As Exception
If oPin1 IsNot Nothing Then
oPin1 = Nothing
End If
If oPin2 IsNot Nothing Then
= Nothing End If If
IsNot Nothing Then view
oPinO.Dispose ()
view = Nothing End If

End Try End Sub End Class

This method is ready to be called from the event CellPainting the DataGridView. Here's an example: Private Sub
 ctlLista_CellPainting (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs) Handles ctlLista.CellPainting 

Try If e.ColumnIndex \u0026lt;0 OrElse e.RowIndex \u0026lt;0 Then Exit Sub

e.Handled = True Dim As Objetos.CapturaPesos.Registro Orowan = Nothing
Select Case DirectCast(e.ColumnIndex, Columnas)
Case Columnas.Peso
oRow = DirectCast(ctlLista.Rows(e.RowIndex).DataBoundItem, Equin.ApplicationFramework.ObjectView(Of Objetos.CapturaPesos.Registro)).Object
If oRow.Peso >= oRow.PesoMinimo AndAlso oRow.Peso <= oRow.PesoMaximo Then
Barras.PintaDegradado(Color.LightGreen, e)
Barras.PintaDegradado(Color.Red, e)
End If
Case Else
e.Paint(e.CellBounds, DataGridViewPaintParts.All)

End Select Catch ex As Exception
Debug.Print (ex.Message) End Try

End Sub That's it. I hope you enjoy the trick.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monster Energy Curved Navel

Who the hell is Tom Noonan?

In Synecdoque, New York ( review Cinemascope35 ) appears in an early scene, the actor Tom Noonan, a lanky man, skinny, bald and physical resemblance to Larry David .

His character's name is Sammy, and, in these first few minutes of footage, behind a lamppost. Monitors, controls, or simply observe the life of the protagonist, the playwright Caden Cotard, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman .

But Noonan's character is quiet and shy, always with his raincoat and a suitcase, ready to work anytime. And, indeed, is always working, because it is a character who follows another for twenty years to learn everything you can on the other, for him, steal his being.

Although, who the hell is Tom Noonan? I keep wondering why, because it has a discrete films, and, instead, is a man capable of creating an amazing character in the film Charlie Kaufman. For if a movie buff sounds retailer, had previously participated, with a secondary character in Heat (1995) of Michael Mann, who convinced sure as nine years earlier in Manhunter (1986).

On the ground, almost two meters, has portrayed villain roles, as in RoboCop 2 (as I said the criticism of the country: "More of the same, but infinitely more noisy"), but also an actor, Tom Noonan is also a screenwriter and director . For example, coordinated these two facets in the independent film "What Happened WAS ..." a work as independently as unknown, and I have only a visual reference Youtube video, and another in his personal web.

Still, the movie What Happened WAS, can serve as a starting point to figure out why Charlie Kaufman had Tom Noonan Synecdoque, New York? What Happened WAS

participated in 1994 at Sundance, where he received the prize of the jury, there was interviewees or by Movie Maker, where the director tells what he wanted for his film, and his arguments connect perfectly with those of Caden Cotard The character of Philip Seymour Hoffman in Kaufman's masterpiece. He says: "I always said I was going to write about what I really feel. But when I sat two years before [to write the script], I knew nothing. I was sick, something more than physical." He continues: "There would consider doing anything beyond writing a movie about small details and see where it went, in an exploration of dreams, fantasies and nightmares that people keep, hidden beneath their prescribed identities.

Tom Noonan in Synecdoque, New York, does not act, he only . His character is Sammy aspects determine the life of Philip Seymour Hoffman, and when it wants to narrate, he participates to discover the true identity of the protagonist.

Charlie Kaufman

therefore chose Tom Noonan for his ability to see people as they are. That is the nexus between the eyes of these two geniuses.

Route Planner For Multiply Stops

DataGridView Data Binding with Visual Studio. Net

One of the most important (if not the most important) when assembling a management application is the technique used to link the application with the database.

In the past the type of database used to store persistent data in our application was crucial and should be carefully chosen before starting to transform the project into code. Since Visual Studio. Net appeared that choice is no longer crucial, data adapters and the ability to handle tables "disconnected" has allowed us to separate easily the data layer of application logic, which in turn facilitates the migration of a database type to another , keeping intact most of the coding of our project.

While the type of database used is not as critical, the latest versions of Visual Studio we offer a wide range of options (DataSets, LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, etc.) When you connect your application with this database, which generates a myriad of doubts about which one is the best and we should use. Well, try this article shed some light to dispel those doubts, but always from my experience as a developer, trying to offer, not a guide, but a help.

What is the best technique for databinding (DataBinding): No there is a direct response to this question. Everything depends on the context in which they will use that link and functions that will in each case (read-only or edit).

begin by describing the main technical liaison and their qualities and drawbacks:
  • DataAdapter and DataSet . Born with Visual Studio. Net and are a big leap from ADO or DAO that integrated Visual Studio 6.0. Provide the ability to manipulate data in a disconnected (loaded in memory) and are easy to implement. Currently in disuse since version 2.0. Net Framework was introduced following our protagonists:
  • Typed DataSet. It is a combination of the previous two into a single entity, with the possibility of extending its functionality with our own code. Much easier to implement and is much more powerful.
  • DataReader. Only allows sequential reading of records from the database. By itself not a data-binding method, but makes it easy. In fact it is the technique used the TableAdapter to fill a DataSet with data. Notwithstanding expose a binding method because in the case of collection of reports (read-only data) may be a good option to consider.
  • LINQ to SQL. Based on the data query language introduced in version 3.5. NET Framework and classes such as containers for data, allows for bidirectional data link is disconnected (like DataSet). The effectiveness and intelligence with which manages the reads and writes to the database get a spectacular performance. At the same time, the power of language integrated query (LINQ) allows the extraction of data very flexible and convenient for programmer. As a limitation we say that only allows connection to SQL Server, yes, in all its editions.
  • LINQ to Entities. Combines language integrated query (LINQ) with Entity Framework . Basically the same as LINQ to SQL but allows us to connect to any other database through OLEDB.
From my experience, it is not advisable to use the same technique for all cases.

The most appropriate in each case will depend on several factors. Among them is the purpose of the link to conduct (maintenance of data, running processes, mining reports and graphs, etc..), The speed connection to the database, etc ...

The technique offers the best speed reading of data is the use of DataReaders . Sequentially read records one by one and simply return the read data as we are going begging. On the other hand, requires more lines of code to process, given that we index the fields returned (with an Enum, for example) to access their values. We also need to take care of converting the type of information obtained if necessary. In summary: high speed processing, but more lines of code to write. It would be the best choice for reading a large amount of data (tens of thousands of records), with poor connection speed (databases on the Internet) or in very long process where We often repeat the readings. Obviously if we need to update the data read from the database will have to use Command objects .

DataSets allow us a full link (inserts, updates and deletes). Are based on a SQL SELECT command and the designer of Visual Studio we automatically generates INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. Loaded into memory read data, allows for modification in memory and the writing of these amendments as soon as we decide, maintaining the integrity of the changes from other users in the database. We save many lines of code (which automatically generates the designer), and have a very acceptable performance. Is an optimal choice for maintenance of data tables, and almost the only if our assembly only runs on version 2.0. Net Framework. In my experience, when a DataSet contains too many tables, the designer is too slow, which makes us lose a little patience.

LINQ (to SQL and to Entities) for me is the option that replaces the DataSet (if we can use version 3.5 or higher. Net Framework) for these reasons:
  • offer the same functionality (reading, handling disconnected and writing). Well, almost all functionality. it integrates natively provider errors (those red exclamation marks that appear in the DataGrid when there is some wrong information.) However, it can easily be implemented by inheritance .
  • similar or superior performance. In some very specific cases (queries with one or two fields in the result) has been faster the DataSet, but it is generally the opposite. In addition, we can build LINQ queries, speeding execution.
  • Low dependence on the type of database. No need to write a single SQL query against the database, because LINQ operates on tables, not queries. The queries are performed then LINQ to read data from tables. This has the advantage that it need not be expert programmers to SQL Server or Oracle. At the same time offloads the server from the database, it does not handle complex queries. Facilisimo
  • implementation. Simply drag the tables to the designer file. Dbml or. Edmx and already created the class with all the fields ready to be consulted. Then we can create associations between tables and we have one-to-many or one to one available in the properties of the classes.
  • Very easy to extend. By Partial Class can provide our own methods or properties to a table. Unlike the DataSet, when we create a property in code (which does not correspond to a field in the table), this is linked directly to a Windows Forms control.
generally recommend using this technique both for maintenance of data for reports and graphics, with good results. However, in cases where performance is critical, it is best to use DataReaders. Keep in mind that the LINQ to SQL classes are bound collection and, therefore, require few resources and need an internal structure which affects the speed of filling.

Conclusion: DataReader
  • : Use only in situations read-only where performance is critical.
  • DataSet : Use only if your application does not run. Net Framework 3.5 or later or we will make a link to XML files. LINQ
  • : Use in other cases.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Black Blotches On Lcd

Being John Malkovich by Spike Jonze

The man who behind the puppet

John Cusack pulls the strings of a puppet in the first scene of the film Being John Malkovich of Spike Jonze . The doll resembles his character physically Craig, "with glasses, beard and hair pulled. He is a puppet used by the protagonist to conceal his identity, or search for it.

appears on the scene after Cameron Diaz -Lotte, Craig's wife, who lives in a house surrounded by animals that were treated as human. For example, a monkey named Elijah, who is traumatized from childhood by not knowing how to be mono, and who the couple is like a child. There is also a talking parrot and makes alarm. They are beings who can not be, who have lost their identity or never found.

So Lotte says goodbye to her husband telling her to find a normal job, not having to do with puppets, because they will feel better. In addition, Craig wants to work as a puppeteer, is what you do and feel comfortable being someone else's control. He wants to be Derek Mantini, the example of professional behind the wire. Even in this aspect is that Craig does not want to be himself, wants to be Derek Mantini. Then comes

Catherine Keener -Maxine-in history to confuse the player. Because this third person controls his identity is bold and dominant. And Craig becomes John Malkovich, learn to control it as if it were a puppet more, acquires its identity but hardly know anything about the actor's life, but what Maxine does because it attracts, and is left to be with her master.

Craig was obscured by another person, because he will not show, and constructed a parallel reality that makes you happy, but that is only part of his game thread: disappears when the curtain falls. Being John Malkovich

was the debut film director Spike Jonze, who had previously worked as director of music videos for REM ( -singer Michael Stipe of the group is co-producer of her debut) and Björk , for example, who also owns one of the songs. This film also together in the creative side with Spike Jonze Charlie Kaufman , also made his debut as screenwriter, whom I admire masterpieces such as Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and, more recently, Synecdoque, New York ( Cinemascope35 review).

result of the relationship between Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman would create, well, the movie Adaptation : where we are told the problems of their own writer to adapt the novel. As a solo artist, the director presented Jonze Where the Wild Things Are (Where the Wild Things. Cinemascope35 Review)

Photo 2: Darwin Bell (Flickr)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Webcam Effects That Really Work On Oovoo

Honeymoons Goran Paskaljevic

Overcoming hatred in the Balkans

Honeymoons, Serbian director Goran Paskaljevic is the first co serboalbanesa in the history of cinema. And this data is anecdotal, because it shows the intention behind the film: to overcome the hatred created by nationalism in the region.

To this end, the story features two young couples who want to emigrate to Europe. For little things you know that some are of an Albanian village near the border with Serbia, and the others live in Belgrade. No prior construction of the characters, their psychology, but Goran Paskaljevic released into an area where hatred produced by the Balkan conflict still alive. And his personality is displayed when you act, when they try to relate to that hostile environment.

And the spectator is difficult to understand the violent situations that arise. The fund is hatred between two peoples but, because of their youth-these two pairs forget the past and not get involved in disputes that adults continue to maintain. So the director does not want to analyze the Balkans, the public has no way to do it, but wants to overcome this conflict through his characters. The nationalities are mixed to achieve this end.

The film relates the events and characters with small details, but are not lives that intersect or are affected. Are parallel and, thus, the narrative jumps from one to another. To join these networks, highlights the Paskaljevic is incorporating elements such as news you hear on the radio about a suicide bombing, or the zeal of one of the leading stores to protect their hands.

Honeymoons But not all is drama, there is also room for the grotesque, for the ironic humor that appears in some scenes. For example, in a wedding party held in a courtyard divided in half by a wire fence that separates the two brothers, each of a side in the war. The hatred that these two individuals are passed, and as shown, is typical, and makes you forget what is behind each individual, and only see the ridiculousness of their actions.

Honeymoons is a film committed to the people who hate each other in conflicts. It is an attempt to forget the war by young people. And with this work Pasjkaljevic Goran won last November the Golden Spike at Valladolid Seminci , and is enshrined as the most successful in this festival, after winning with The Other America (1995) and Optimists (2006) -.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Remove Dark Spots On Lcd Screen

"Baztan" a history of run down, the "black de Navarra "

Baztan looks like the default wallpaper of Windows

Following the trail of Unax Ugalde find that a movie is to the north of Navarre, a film not to be outdone, called Baztan and managed by Iñaki Elizalde , a Pamplona. Although it would be more poetic have titled Agote .

Speaking of Navarra, here there are fascinating stories that deserve to be counted. A land so small, yet so isolated and so his, as statutory and inbreeding goes a long way. One such story is exciting the people of the agotes , the "black Navarra because their status in the course of time is similar to African Americans. But what is exhausted? Dwellers were Baztán and Roncal valleys of northern Navarre, though I refer to "Sitting worlds" of Ander Izagirre (Editorial Altaïr) to describe their degree of marginality:

was said for centuries that were heretics and sealed pacts the devil, who suffered from leprosy, who had no ear lobes, which in his veins a blood almost boiling. If you were walking barefoot, the grass did not grow again, if holding an apple rotting quickly.


As cited in his book, origin of burnout would be found in migration Cathars in the thirteenth century took refuge in Navarre fleeing French Inquisition, which persecuted for professing their faith heriática did not recognize the divinity of the Virgin or Christ, who refused to perform sacraments and rejected the opulence of the Catholic hierarchy. The district of Bozate in Arizkun was his particular ghetto, and while often living in overcrowded houses that are far can remind us of the spacious houses in the area, came to develop a strong economy thanks to his skill as craftsmen and builders . As happened with the Jews in Europe, envy, fear desconociemiento and the "other" resulted in the rejection and marginalization :

not let them own land or livestock. Or cut firewood in the forest community. Or drink in public source. Or married to other people differently. Forced them to wear on the clothes a red sign, shaped like a cat's footprint. They were allowed enter the church but attended Mass Arizkun cornered, locked behind a gate in a fund that came through a special door.

Baztan House

Picking what Wikipedia says , it seems that the discrimination was not legally divorced until 1819, but in some places, like Bozate, until The twentieth century was still suspicious of this "other" leading baztaneses Convivendo to 800 years. The situation was so tense that s and went so far as the government tried to deport Navarre the people of New Baztán (Madrid) built, apparently, for the occasion.

The shooting Baztan collects all this tradition of discrimination runs Village, which today is integrated with normal (I know a person surnamed "Exhaust" is nice to think that has something to do), and so I can check your damn story is little known outside the culture Euskera. With Unax Ugalde in the division but also Carmelo Gómez, Txema Blasco or debutante Patxi Bengoetxea , work began in March this year and still has no end date. the director, the Iñaki Elizalde Navarro , there are two nominations for the Goya Awards in the category of short films for the documentary Oblivion memory and fiction Patesnak, a Christmas story . Baztan, therefore, is his first feature as director.

News in Diario de Navarra .

Baztan photos published here are of Flickr f0ff0 and egizu two people whom they do not know anything.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Best Mid Priced Washing Machine

Ken Loach films released

Mr. Kean Loach, British film director who wishes to be a Trotskyist acknowledged, has granted professorship in the film industry putting voracious Youtube all his films, available to any seasoned surfer who wants to see them for free without going through the library.

An unprecedented initiative in the world of the big screen (albeit with similar initiatives by the band Radiohead) that demonstrates a commitment to free and open culture that is worthy of celebration.

As this article is getting me very pedantic and charged, let's step to Hidden Agenda, Just a kiss , Kes or Riff-Raff . Yes, this is an interesting reaction to piracy receive advertising money from YouTube and all that ... But it is a commendable initiative.
