Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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Conference on Economic Situation of the Colombian Caribbean Region

eighth semester students of Business Administration Simon Bolivar University, organized under the environmental study in the subject Strategic Management, the conference "Economic Situation de la Costa Caribe" , by a representative of the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla and FUNDESARROLLO.

The event held at the Nicolas Guillen Hall of the Universidad Simón Bolívar, was attended by a group of teachers and a special guest, who on behalf of FUNDESARROLLO and the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla, presented a comprehensive report on the economy and trends in industry, commerce and servicvios of the Caribbean region.

instania At first Professor Oscar Piña, presented the event as part of the development of the Strategic Management course, as this report cove appropriate and relevant external analysis that should organziaciones make for develop specific strategies that enhance their competitiveness.

Then the young Camilo Lobo, a student of Business Administration, presented the methodology of their research, so it introduced the guest, a representative of the unions to speak on issues of economic conditions.

Tellingly, the special guest presented his report with figures and data accurate and consistent graphics, which illustrated the reality of the region, which is projected as geostrategic position of Colombia against the trends world market.

Finally, there was a debate on the topics covered in the conference and student participation was important and significant, reflecting its commitment to the region and his life professional.


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