Monday, April 12, 2010

Female Doctor Looking At Male Penis

" Shutter Island ": The duality of a disturbing movie awards

is hard not to go to see "Shutter Island " with poor body, either by explicit morbidity, the atmosphere stifling and Goya or the lack of a script not yet solved. The mind just upset. It is true that the merits as director Martin Scorsese and post-production work make this a very beautifully crafted film. It is also true that it is the Scorsese who ridicules his work so bizarre limits.

Because the new Scorsese project of fiction very different paths wanders and sometimes dangerous . On one side is a dramatic and calculated black cinema movie, with gender archetypes: the alcoholic detective a dark past, with a visionary mind and sharp language. On the other hand, is a dip in the power of the mind, madness and paranoia . Not only in the paranoia of the characters, also in the group, one that led the U.S. to McCarthyism and the persecution and repression of communism in the context of the Cold War . Meanwhile, s and recreates an oppressive atmosphere, as their own "prison" in which the action unfolds. Even Scorsese is able to move the smell of medicines, putrefaction, death. Cinema hall turns into a dirty cell stifling.

That first part that I mentioned starts with research carried out by Leonardo DiCaprio and assistant to the escape of a prisoner in a maximum security mental hospital. With this argument Scorsese makes a great story, with glorious moments of pure cinema black. The dialogues are great, the plot is fluid research is intelligent, stimulating . Little by little they are tying ropes at all times we only know what one will see DiCaprio, as a reprint of "Chinatown " in question. Promises.

Tucked in the outcome and the narrative splits in some strabismus two ways: the psychological (the crazy) and that of the police, comfluyen badly but with marked skill. Thank God and n never gives you a direction to follow, it's your intuition that you should mark what is real or unreal. Or even, everything is a lie. But although this part of the film is well built, is much more awkward in its execution, the less credible . To make matters worse, allowed a moment of absolute pathos (not say much, but it is scene of three children and the lake) that detract from the end of the work and leave a bad taste in my mouth. It seems that c on such a good starting material, the closure has been rather sloppy .


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