Monday, February 28, 2011

Difference Between Minohd And Ultrahd


The first time was not easy. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a musical free, at the height of any international concert for the community and worthy Hip Hop Chile, was the obsession that stayed at the brow of the Friends of the North Central Zone
(ZNC) just over a year ago. Had to start from scratch, organizations, projects, bend the bow and be humble enough to touch each of these doors, not weakened by the frustration of a possible denial, react quickly and above all, believe the story that actually, all these years of struggle and evolution (of which we love so much about) have not been in vain. Fortunately, a good presentation in front of the Municipality of Quilicura facilitated fluency so formidable in taking forward action that dreamed Microphone Master Festival. The first time was not easy, again, because when everything was ready, a couple of dates postponed (due to the earthquake that shook the country in February 2010), made to weaken the expectations so strongly pushed the development . The rumor was losing credibility with the motion and it was to see that promotional video presented by guest artists themselves, which confirmed the final date of the meeting, which finally ended nearly two months of uncertainty.
Success total still in its first edition, especially when we know that we are a country characterized by the never well-founded "prejudice", we always need to have at least one previous experience, or comment near that motivates us to assist with safety, and more if we have to ship due to the peripheries of the great Santiago because someone read out there was a free gig. Curious and happily, this was not the case. Microphone Master Festival demonstrated superiority to be the best concert national popular culture. Who does not believe me, you can ask any of the 3,500 attendees who were there will tell you with certainty best sound, stage, lighting and production, had not seen even in the most desired of the most recognized entertainment event production and to extend it took advantage to any other proposal that disguise a lower deployment apologizing to the discourse of "self- ". ZNC finally broke the stigma of mediocrity, and brought fun, quality and variety not inexpensive, but completely and absolutely FREE.

is encouraging to see that trailer
right? For it was only to dispel any possible doubt as described in the preceding paragraph. There
first without second (sentencing
cliché), and , by virtue of its functions as an organization has sought ways to refine the concepts and reinventing its proposal, with the sole purpose of checking off milestones possible to imagine versions of this event for a number of years.
Next Saturday March 19, from 12:00 pm, will be the second version of Festival Park Master Microphone Peanuts, located in the
Quilicura. For this new edition, it is speculated to double the number of attendees its first version, which has planned a more complete billboard guests, encouraging a wider range of audiences to enjoy this great festival for the national movement. Consistent in his actions, the organization offers this show is free, providing on-site health measures, preventive and security measures, by way of obscuring the journey takes a long time planning it. Suitable for all ages and a warning for caution and responsibility for our own actions, therefore not allowed into glass bottles. Of all depends not divert the main cause of this massive concentration, it is time to realize and not abuse the freedom they give us. In other words, to be Alive.

The function will have the distinction of Personal Seal , sound
Porno Stars, the Wild message Decibel, the versatility of
, Hordatoj
category , the ability of SLC
, the strength of
Symphony, the freshness of Origenbeats , the novelty of Drinkteam , the plurality of Nick Calaveras , strict Jonkie Dead, wit Doctor Koff Koff. The face and voice of the south of Chile put it Link 041 (premiering new album) and MutanteStyle . As if that proves little, we will be hosted by the rawness and strictness of local R aw Corp, The Crea, Eslam, and Chicosea Nikodekons . The classics will sound at the hands of the deejays: Pologro, Domek and Natural while Mc Feñafunk Search and turn on the mood of the long afternoon. date approaches, all is said, the discipline of the real may soon be on the stage Microphone Master, a festival that aims to dedicate this 2011 as the nation's largest. And if talk of designing new concepts and out of the fees more predictable than we might expect it, here is a promotional video for this edition. Put play and let the images speak for themselves, we are there.


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